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120 <br /> <br />direction 35 Ft. north of and Parallel to Survey Line L to a point <br />lying 35 Ft. north of and normal to Survey Station 29+19.87, Survey <br />Line L; thence continuing along the proposed northern right <br />of way boundary of the project in an easterly direction in a <br />straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. north of and normal to Survey <br />Station 30+94.87, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the <br />proposed northern right of way boundary of the project in an <br />easterly direction 35 Ft. north of and parallel to Survey Line L to <br />a point lying 35 Ft. north of and normal to Survey Station 41+43.71, <br />Survey Line L; thence continuing on the proposed northern right of <br />way boundary of the project in an easterly direction in a straight <br />line to a point lying 35 Ft. north of and normal to Survey Station <br />43+18.71, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the proposed <br />northern right of way boundary of the project in an easterly <br />direction in a straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. north of and <br />normal to Survey Station 45+09.05, Survey Line L; thence continuing <br />along the proposed northern right of way boundary of the project in <br />an easterly direction in a straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. <br />north of and normal to Survey Station 46+84.05, Survey Line L; <br />thence continuing on the proposed northern right of way boundary of <br />the project in an easterly direction 35 Ft. north of and parallel to <br />Survey Line L to a point lying 35 Ft. north of and normal to Survey <br />Station 52+37.98, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the <br />proposed northern right of way boundary of the project in an <br />easterly direction in a straight line to the point lying 35 Ft. <br />north of and normal to Survey Station 54+12.98, Survey Line L; <br />thence continuing along the proposed northern right of way boundary <br />of the project in an easterly direction 35 Ft. north of and parallel <br />to Survey Line L to a point lying 35 Ft. north of and normal to <br />Survey Station 58+75, Survey Line L; thence in a southerly direction <br />in a straight line crossing Survey Line L to a point lying 35 Ft. <br />south of and normal to Survey Station 58+75, SurVey Line L; thence <br />along the proposed southern right of way boundary of the project in <br />a westerly direction 35 Ft. south of and parallel to Survey Line L <br />to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and normal to Survey Station <br />54+12.98, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the proposed <br />southern right of way boundary of the project in a westerly <br />direction in a straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and <br />normal to Survey Station 52+37.98, Survey Line L; thence continuing <br />along the proposed southern right of way boundary of the project in <br />a westerly direction 35 Ft. south of and parallel to Survey Line L <br />to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and normal to Survey Station <br />46+84.05, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the proposed <br />southern right of way boundary of the project in a westerly <br />direction in a straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and <br />normal to survey Station 45+09.05, Survey Line L; thence continuing <br />along the proposed southern right of way boundary of the project in <br />a westerly direction 35 Ft. south of and parallel to Survey Line L <br />to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and normal to Survey Station <br />43+18.71, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the proposed <br />southern right of way boundary of the project in a westerly <br />direction in a straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and <br />normal to Survey Station 41+43.71, Survey Line L; thence <br />continuing along the proposed southern right of way boundary of the <br />project in a westerly direction 35 Ft. south of and parallel to <br />Survey Line L to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and normal to Survey <br />Station 30+94.87, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the <br />proposed southern right of way boundary of the project in a westerly <br />direction in a straight line to a point lying 35 Ft. south of and <br />normal to Survey Station 29+19.87, Survey Line L; thence continuing <br />along the proposed southern right of way boundary of the project in <br />a westerly direction 35 Ft. south of and parallel to Survey Line L <br />the a point lying 35 Ft. south of and normal to Survey Station <br />24+24.46, Survey Line L; thence continuing along the proposed <br />southern right of way boundary of the project in a westerly <br />direction 35 Ft. south of and parallel to Survey Line L to a point <br />lying 35 Ft. south of and normal to Survey Station 16+74.46, Survey <br />Line L; thence continuing along the proposed southern right of way <br />boundary of the project in a westerly direction 35 Ft. south of and <br /> <br /> <br />