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7.6 MICROWAVE PATH ACCEPTANCE TEST <br />7.7 IPIMPLS NETWORK ACCEPTANCE TEST <br />M <br />C <br />NA <br />Develop <br />a Method of Procedure (MOP), which will specify the activities to he performed <br />X <br />Validate the routing configuration on a network -wide basis. <br />and include <br />a standard Acceptance Test Plan (ATP). <br />Validate the establishment of MPLS paths, as needed. <br />X <br />Record measurements and complete test documentation <br />X <br />Verify and to and traffic from two (2) representative sites. <br />X <br />Conduct over the path one way Tl Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) of 2 hours per transmitter <br />X <br />Test network resiliency components and path redundancy. <br />X <br />or in accordance with agreed to requirements. <br />Ensure all facilities have been connected to the installed equipment and found to he error <br />free. <br />X <br />Complete RFC2544 testing of 2 hours per path or in accordance with agreed to <br />X <br />requirements <br />Ensure all facilities have been connected to the installed equipment and found to be error <br />X <br />X <br />free. <br />7.7 IPIMPLS NETWORK ACCEPTANCE TEST <br />13-AuguAM18 <br />® Motorola Wuhans Confidential Restricted <br />Use or discbeure of this proposal's subject <br />to the restrictla. on the cover page. <br />iaNe of Contents xv <br />F-9 Page 210 <br />M <br />C <br />NA <br />Develop a Method of Procedure (MOP), which will specify the activities to be performed <br />and include a standard Acceptance Test Plan (ATP). <br />X <br />Validate the routing configuration on a network -wide basis. <br />X <br />Validate the establishment of MPLS paths, as needed. <br />X <br />Verify and to and traffic from two (2) representative sites. <br />X <br />Test network resiliency components and path redundancy. <br />X <br />Ensure all facilities have been connected to the installed equipment and found to he error <br />free. <br />X <br />X <br />13-AuguAM18 <br />® Motorola Wuhans Confidential Restricted <br />Use or discbeure of this proposal's subject <br />to the restrictla. on the cover page. <br />iaNe of Contents xv <br />F-9 Page 210 <br />